Tuesday, 5 May 2015

For All That Are Struggling With Friendships

  Friends are not easy to make, it takes time, commitment, coincidences to establish. Sometimes, I always think that it's better to have a few best friends who you can really rely on instead of having hundreds of friends, this is my advice to people out there who think they don't have enough friends and are not popular enough, you don't need popularity in your life, you need genuine friendships.
  For people out there who are struggling to make friends at school, at work or wherever. This is the blogpost for you. I came to England not knowing anybody, unknown to the culture, and I have to admit, I was in culture shock when I first arrived and it took time for me to fit in. I was fine with socialising and I made some friends at the start but I started to lose contact with them because I was tired out by the work I had to do and I didn't have the time to socialise. Biggest mistake I've ever made. During the time of me engrossed into my work, my 'friends' have moved on and created friendship groups naturally. So, I was back to square one again and it took so long and so much effort to make friends again. The period of loneliness lasted a while, I've experienced depression, I was crying everyday because I hated the feeling of being an outcast, isolated and friendless. I kept bottling up my feelings and dealt with my own problems, I was stuck in a position where I'm unable to join any friendship groups because I was one step late.
  The main problem I made was that I didn't take the initiative, take the initiative to create conversation with your biology partner, you might find you have quite a lot common interests. Always bring up topics like tv series, viral videos, celebrities, something that everyone has interest in. If you feel you need to change yourself to make friends, don't, you need to embrace your weirdness because everyone is different and if they despise for that, then they're not worthy to be your friend anyway, they're so many people out there that understand and have the same character as you, you're not alone. Also, you have a long path ahead so aim far and ignore the little pebbles that stop you on the way, they're just another test to make you stronger. Now when I look back to the diaries I wrote during the time of my depression, I felt like I was exaggerating and over reacting to the situation. Sometimes at desperate situations, we tend to be emotional, so try to calm yourself down and think of solutions to make the situation better. This goes to making friends, getting into an argument with a friend, any kind of situation.
  I hope you have found this useful through from what I've learnt in past experiences and hopefully opened up your mind and remember that friends take time to establish and that time will heal everything as long as you make the effort to take the first step

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